Dog Services
Puppy Vaccinations, Microchipping, Surgery & More
The Houston Humane Society has a professional veterinarian staff that can administer a variety of medical services to your dog. From pet vaccinations to microchipping to amputations and surgery, our vets have you and your dog covered for an affordable cost.
Puppy vaccinations are vitally important for your dog’s physical well-being throughout his or her life. They expose your dog’s immune system to a low-level version of a specific virus or bacteria to encourage the development of specific antibodies that protect against the illness. Pet vaccinations save millions of dogs every year from illness and death caused by many difficult or life-threatening conditions. Pet vaccinations must be administered by a professional in a specific timeframe for the maximum protection; We can begin administering puppy vaccinations as young as 6-8 weeks, followed by additional vaccines at different ages. Our clinic can walk you through the pet vaccination process because it depends on your dog’s age, breed, and specific medical background.
If your dog is ill or you have any concerns about his or her health, you can turn to our clinic for helpful exams and a thorough diagnosis that won’t drain your wallet.
Schedule an appointment or call us today to receive the pet vaccines or treatment your dog needs!
Please Click Here for pricing and information about our Spay and Neuter Services.
By appointment only
No appointment necessary, walk-ins welcome
Credit/Debit Cards, & Cash are accepted
Checks will NOT be accepted
For theirs, yours and ours, all dogs must be on leashes or in carriers.
Prices, days and times subject to change without notice.
Save $$$$ Buy a Package
Given at 6 to 12 weeks old- includes DA2PPC (Distemper, Adenovirus 2, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Canine Coronavirus (CCoV)) + DEWORM (hooks/rounds)
DOG-102: THE BASICS - $32
Given at 12 weeks old or older- includes RABIES + DA2PPC (Distemper, Adenovirus 2, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Canine Coronavirus (CCoV))
DOG-103: BASICS PLUS - $59
Given at 6 months old or older- includes RABIES + DA2PPC (Distemper, Adenovirus 2, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Canine Coronavirus (CCoV)) + HEARTWORM TEST
DOG-104: THE WORKS - $99-123 by weight*
Given at 6 months old or older- includes RABIES + DA2PPC (Distemper, Adenovirus 2, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Canine Coronavirus (CCoV)) + HTWM TEST + DEWORM (H/R) + TRI-HEART 6-Pack (Heartworm Prevention)
Canine Influenza Vaccination - $38 with DOG 104, price can increase if dog is over 100lbs
Dog Wellness Fees
Dog must be at least 12 weeks old to receive rabies vaccine.
Given to Puppies under 12 weeks old- includes Distemper, Parvovirus, Canine Coronavirus (CCoV), Adenovirus Type 2, Infectious Canine Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Icterhaemorrhagiae Infections
Given to Puppies of 12 weeks old or older- includes Parvovirus, Canine Coronavirus (CCoV), Adenovirus Type 2, Infectious Canine Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Icterhaemorrhagiae Infections, Leptospira Canicola
Given to dogs 8 weeks old or older- this prevents Kennel cough
Given to dogs 8 weeks old or more
Given to dogs at any age to check for intestinal parasites.
Given to dogs at any age to test for Parvo virus. Parvo can be deadly in puppies.
It is a quick scrape to the skin to check for any topical parasites.
A dog must be at least 6 months old to get this quick blood test and see if he or she has worms in his heart. Having heartworms is typical for dogs that are outside a lot and are not on a monthly heartworm prevention pill.
DE-WORM - $22 and up
A quick paste that helps against Hookworms/Roundworms, intestinal parasites. If your dog has Tapeworms the price can be over $20.00
TRIFEXIS - $146 - 168
This is a monthly pill that treats and prevents fleas and heartworms. Your dog should be on this monthly treatment starting at 6 months old and up, for the rest of his/her life.
ADVANTAGE MULTI - $152 - 155
This is a flea and heartworm prevention treatment that contains 6 tablets per pack.
BRAVECTO PILL - $70 - 75
One pill works as Flea prevention for a good 3 months.
TRI HEART - Price Varies depending on weight - $33 - 57
Heartworm prevention treatment that contains 6 tablets per pack.
Your pet gets lifetime registration. And if you get a microchip in addition to any other clinic service, the cost is only $20.
Mon. - Sun. - $65
If you get a vet exam at HHS, one of our Veterinarians will see your dog for a diagnosis/treatment plan and/or referral, etc. There is no additional or hidden office fee charged.
Mon. - Sun. - $35
An office visit at HHS means one of our Veterinarians will do routine vaccinations and/or tests. There is no additional or hidden exam fee charged.
Please note:
The Houston Humane Society Wellness Center will be charging a late fee of $25 for any exam appointments that are 30 minutes late or more after their time scheduled. You will be put in line under the present appointments. Please arrive at least 10-15 minutes before your appointment to give you time to sign in and complete paperwork.
Thank you,
HHS Management
Vaccination Guidelines for Dogs & Puppies
Check out our AFFORDABLE SPAY AND NEUTER services!
1st vaccination – Between 3 and 4 months old (per Texas law)
2nd vaccination – 1 year later
After 2nd vaccination – Every 1–3 years (depending on your local city/county laws)
DA2PPC: (Puppies)
1st vaccination –6 - 9 weeks old
2nd vaccination – 3 weeks after 1st vaccination
3rd vaccination – 3 weeks after 2nd vaccination
DA2LPPC: (Over 12 weeks)
4th vaccination & After - 1 year after 3rd vaccination & yearly thereafter
Did you know that all proceeds from the Houston Humane Society Animal Wellness Clinic & Affordable Spay/Neuter Clinic benefit homeless and needy animals? By keeping your animals healthy you help provide medical care for another.
Thank You for Your Support
Just like human vaccines, cat vaccinations help keep your cat’s immune system healthy and able to fight off agents of disease. Cat vaccinations are critical in protecting your cat from developing life-threatening ailments. Cat Vaccinations expose your cat's immune system to a small number of bacteria or a specific virus to produce important antibodies which help combat these diseases. Proper administration of cat vaccinations is important to ensure your furry friend is protected. In addition, multiple shots need to be administered within a specific timeframe, so a solid knowledge base of these requirements is necessary.
Cat vaccinations are important for all ages, but particularly so in young pets with immature immune systems. Your kitten can begin receiving vaccines as soon as they are 6-8 weeks old. After the first vaccination, they are given subsequent doses every three to four weeks depending on the specific series of shots.
Please Click Here for pricing and information about our Spay and Neuter Services.
By appointment only
No appointment necessary, walk-ins welcome
Credit/Debit Cards, & Cash are accepted
Checks will NOT be accepted
For theirs, yours and ours, have all cats in carriers.
Prices, days and times subject to change without notice.
Save $$$$ Buy a Package
Given at 8 to 12 weeks old- includes FVRCP + DEWORM (hooks/rounds)
CAT-102: THE BASICS - $29
Given at 12 weeks old or older- includes RABIES + FVRCP (Distemper)
CAT-103: BASICS PLUS - $51
Given at 12 weeks old or older- includes RABIES + FVRCP+FELINE LEUKEMIA
CAT-104: THE WORKS - $78*
Given at 6 months old or older- includes RABIES + FVRCP + DEWORM + LEUKEMIA TEST + FeLV VACCINE
*** You can add the FIV Test for just $15 to this package
Given at 12 weeks old or older
RABIES Schedule:
1st vaccination: given to cats between 3 and 4 months old (per Texas law)
2nd vaccination: given 1 year after 1st vaccination
After 2nd vaccination: given every 1-3 years (depending on your city/county laws)
Given at 8 weeks old or older- includes Feline Distemper, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis
*** Even if cats are NEVER outside, they still need Feline Distemper vaccinations
1st vaccination: given at 8 weeks old
2nd vaccination: given 3 weeks after 1st vaccination
3rd vaccination: given 3 weeks after 2nd vaccination
4th vaccination & after: given 1 year after 3rd vaccination & every year following
Given at 12 weeks old or older
*** If cats NEVER go outside, and test negative, they do not need an FELV vaccination
1st vaccination: given at 12 weeks old
2nd vaccination: given 3 weeks after 1st vaccination
After 2nd vaccination: given every year
Given at any age- Results take about 10 minutes to obtain
Given at any age- Results take about 10 minutes to obtain
Given at any age and it is a test for intestinal parasites
DE-WORM - $22 and up
A paste for intestinal parasites such as Hookworms/Roundworms. If your cat has Tapeworms the cost can be $20 or more.
This is a flea and heartworm prevention treatment that contains 6 tablets per pack.
Topical flea treatment that is good for three months
Your pet gets lifetime registration. And if you get a microchip in addition to any other clinic service, the cost is only $20.
Mon. - Sun. - $65
If you get a vet exam at HHS, one of our Veterinarians will see your dog for a diagnosis/treatment plan and/or referral, etc. There is no additional or hidden office fee charged.
Mon. - Sun. - $35
An office visit at HHS means one of our Veterinarians will do routine vaccinations and/or tests. There is no additional or hidden exam fee charged.
Please note:
The Houston Humane Society Wellness Center will be charging a late fee of $25 for any exam appointments that are 30 minutes late or more after their time scheduled. You will be put in line under the present appointments. Please arrive at least 10-15 minutes before your appointment to give you time to sign in and complete paperwork.
Thank you,
HHS Management
Vaccination Guidelines for Cats & Kittens
Check out our AFFORDABLE SPAY AND NEUTER services!
1st vaccination: – Between 3 and 4 months old (per Texas law)
2nd vaccination: – 1 year after 1st vaccination
After 2nd vaccination: – Every 1 - 3 years (depending on your city/county laws)
(Even if cats are NEVER outside, they still need Feline Distemper vaccinations)
1st vaccination: - Approx. 8 weeks old
2nd vaccination: - 3 weeks after 1st vaccination
3rd vaccination: - 3 weeks after 2nd vaccination
4th vaccination & after: - 1 year after 3rd vaccination & every year following
(If cats NEVER go outside, and test negative, they do not need an FELV vaccination)
1st vaccination: – 12 weeks old
2nd vaccination: – 3 weeks after 1st vaccination
After 2nd vaccination: – Every year
Contact Our Animal Clinic Today
If you need an exam, vaccination, spay/neuter, or other type of medical service for your pet, reach out to Houston Humane Society today. We provide a variety of services for pets throughout the Houston area; we also accept reports of animal cruelty, run a pet pantry, and provide adoption services onsite.
Pet owners who opt to vaccinate their animals can help prevent the spread of contagious diseases—both to and from their pets. There are many serious ailments out there that could possibly lead to the death of your little loved one. At Houston Humane Society, we offer a variety of pet vaccinations for animals that are 8 weeks and older. Take a look at the list above for vaccinations and pricing, or call us today with any questions.
If you would like to learn more about the specific services we provide, or if you would like to report animal cruelty,
contact our office today!
Did you know that all proceeds from the Houston Humane Society Animal Wellness Clinic & Affordable Spay/Neuter Clinic benefit homeless and needy animals? By keeping your animals healthy you help provide medical care for another.
Thank You for Your Support

Exam Appointment Request
You need to make an Exam Appointment if your pet requires to see a Veterinarian. For example, if he/she is sick, needs a wellness exam, is heartworm positive and needs to get a shot treatment etc., An exam appointment fee is $50 Monday-Thursday and $60 Friday- Sunday, and it is non-refundable if you do not show up. There is no office visit payment required when coming to an exam appointment.
Please fill out the form below to request your appointmentment. The exam will not be booked until a call center representative contacts you to confirm your appointment.