Provide extra food: Wet food in heated bowls or dry food to avoid freezing.
Offer fresh water: Use heated bowls or refresh twice daily.
Create a shelter: Small, insulated shelters help cats retain body heat.
Check cars: Tap the hood and check wheels to avoid harming hidden cats.
Don’t force feral cats indoors: They prefer outdoor living and can become stressed.
Don’t ignore food portions: Cats need extra energy to stay warm.
Don’t use oversized shelters: Heat escapes quickly, making them ineffective.
Don’t forget to spread awareness: Share info about feral cat care with neighbors.
Food and water save energy: Cold weather increases calorie and hydration needs.
Shelters protect from the cold: Small, cozy shelters keep them safe from frostbite.
Car safety is life-saving: Cats often hide in engines to escape freezing temps.
Community efforts help more: Awareness ensures more cats receive proper care.